01 |
產(chǎn)品配方(含百分比含量,使用目的,混合原料應以混合成份形式書(shū)寫(xiě),并標各單一成份所占的比例) Product formula( Percentage of content,the mixed materials should be offered in mixed form, and, contain each unit's proportion.) |
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成品質(zhì)量標準(Quality Criterion相關(guān)負責人簽字認可) The product's quantity Criterion(the Quality Criterion should have the responsible person's signature.) |
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送檢樣品(檢驗所需要數量根據產(chǎn)品規格來(lái)定,30ml以上的需要18個(gè)樣品、同一批號) Product samples (the number of tests need to be based on product specifications, 30 ml need more than 18 samples) |
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由原產(chǎn)國行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )或官方機構出具的產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)銷(xiāo)售證明文件(CFS)(國內委托國外生產(chǎn)不需要) The local Industry Association or official agency issue the free sale certificate. |
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成品生產(chǎn)工藝流程及簡(jiǎn)述 production flow chart and brief. |
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其他有助于評審的資料。(如某些原料的質(zhì)量規格證明、植物原料的提取加工過(guò)程等) Other information which is useful, such as formula's specifications proof、the plant material’s extraction process. |
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授權書(shū)和授權簽字書(shū)。 Authorization and authorization signature book. |
委托加工 OEM:
01 |
委托方與被委托方的委托加工協(xié)議書(shū)原件 Offer the original commission processing agreement. |
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被委托方通過(guò)ISO或GMP等良好生產(chǎn)規范的證明文件。 The commissioned party should offer their company's ISO or GMP, or other good manufacturing practice documents. |